Share + Learn + Inspire
Greater Birmingham
Engage For Success
“After today, I feel that I am more motivated than ever to champion engagement.”
Fiona Anderson is founder of The Greater Birmingham Engage for Success network to Share + Learn + Inspire, which meets 4-5 times a year. It is run by volunteers who are passionate about engagement and sharing the ideas of Birmingham’s brightest practitioners. With the key aim of boosting productivity, our topics are decided by those who attend, so our programme evolves as the year progresses. Engage for Success is a growing, dynamic, voluntary movement promoting employee engagement as a better way to work that benefits individual employees, teams, and whole organisations.

We invite you to Join our conversation at Greater Birmingham (and Global) Engage for Success to share + learn + inspire
Growing a Coaching Culture, in partnership with CIPD
Thursday 12th September
16.30pm to 17.30pm, online
Challenged with staff retention?
Struggling to attract the talent you need?
Concerns about productivity?
Have you calculated the impact these are having on your business results? If every disengaged employee costs your company 1/3 of their salary, how much is your company culture hurting your bottom line?
Join Fiona Anderson and Jill Munden to explore:
Why a coaching culture? - identify the key messages for your business case
Coaching options – understand the option/s available to identify what will work best for your business
Developing your business case – how to grab the attention of your logical executive decision makers
Grow your own Coaching Culture - hints and tips to grow your own
Join us for the opportunity to:
Share and learn with others
Seek answers to your questions
Practice a coaching question that you could use with your decision makers to gain their commitment to change
We look forward to seeing you online by booking your place here:
The Greater Birmingham Engage for Success network meets 4-5 times a year. With the key aim of boosting productivity, our events are based on what is important to those who attend. Ideally our events are designed so that you experience new facilitation techniques too. We are seeking speakers from SMEs to global brands, public and voluntary sectors who can share innovative employee engagement examples that demonstrate evidence of success. It is run by volunteers who are passionate about engagement and sharing the ideas of Birmingham's brightest practitioners.
Contact us:
Fiona Anderson, Founder: (sponsorship and future events)
John Travers, Co- Founder: (communications)
Baljit Kaur: (committed supporter)
Sue Petrie: (committed supporter)
Engage for Success is a growing, dynamic, voluntary movement promoting employee engagement as a better way to work that benefits individual employees, teams, and whole organisations.
Our partners and sponsors are: