Leading with Competitive Edge in today’s world - joint event with CIPD

Our first workshop in March explored How employee expectations have changed and what is the impact on your business? If you missed it, then Fiona Anderson and Jill Munden from My Change Expert have shared the video link so that you can to explore the insights you missed in your own time: https://mychangeexpert.com/leading-with-competitive-edge-in-todays-world-workshop-1/
If you’re not already booked on for Workshop 2, here are the details:
The impact of employee expectations and how you lead your business 12:30 – 13:30, 11th May online using zoom
Understand the evolving employee experience in today’s world.
Explore the 6 Elements of Leadership to achieve a competitive edge.
Take away deeper insights to incorporate into your strategic priorities.
You can book your place here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/future-of-work-leading-with-competitive-edge-in-todays-world-part-two-tickets-280437926387
Fiona and Jill look forward to seeing you on 11th May.